Aim & Objectives

Aim & Objectives

  1. To operate environmental, health, Waste management, safety, sanitation awareness, protection, and conservation programs and campaigns. To promote the science and technologies needed for a good environment, health, safety, sanitization, etc., through educational sessions, webinars, workshops, and research.
  2. To protect and conserve wildlife and biodiversity.
  3. Conduct research and development for long-term development.
  4. To study, analyze, and disseminate policies, programs, and legislation affecting the environment, health, safety, sanitation, etc.
  5. To operate plantation programs and protect and conserve old trees.
  6. To conduct programs for promoting awareness in the people in connection with the movements for forestation, plantation, and the development of wasteland.
  7. To make people aware of the activities damaging the environment and health.
  8. To manage social forestry, agroforestry, rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment, and solid waste management projects.
  9. To encourage and develop all aspects of students' inventive and research facilities and provide opportunities for research work in environmental science, safety and health, sanitation, energy conservation, energy auditing, and management.
  10. Establish, construct, and develop training centers and institutions to achieve and further the organization's objectives.
  11. To work on controlling water, air, land pollution, noise pollution, etc.
  12. To educate or make people aware of various diseases, etc., to improve people's health in rural and urban areas.
  13. To promote scientific education and research.
  14. Work in environmental protection and promotion because it directly impacts socioeconomic and health statuses.
  15. To maintain, run, and construct training centers (environment, agriculture, health, safety, sanitation, education, research, etc.) for the people.
  16. To establish, manage, maintain, and run educational, vocational, management, and technical institutions anywhere in India.
  17. To promote and work for children's development and development for women's empowerment.
  18. To establish, manage, maintain, and run educational, vocational, management, and technical institutions anywhere in India.
  19. To translate, print, publish, circulate, and distribute appropriate material to distribute helpful knowledge through magazines, pamphlets, or other printing modes to promote and advance the organization's objectives.
  20. To subscribe to or give donations, financially or otherwise, to other societies, agencies, organizations, or institutions that they are working with or involved in activities that tend to support or advance the aims and objectives of the organization.
  21. To work for the rights of environmental degree holders, professionals, and environmentalists.
  22. GIS and remote sensing applications in environmental management.
About Us

The "Voice of Environment" was established officially on 30th October 2014 and finally registered under society registration Act, XXI of 1860 which is National level organisation. Voice of Environment is Non-Governmental, Non Political, Non Religious organisation and is dedicated to Nature and Human Welfare.

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